The Health Benefits Of Having A Cold Shower
Aug 2022

The Health Benefits of Having a Cold Shower
Cold showers don’t have to be a one-off practice during a British heatwave – the health benefits that come with taking a shower below 20°C can have a great impact on your day to day life. Even more so in the comfort of a Tissino luxury bathroom. What’s so great about cold showers? Keep reading this week’s blog post for some key health benefits you should be aware of.

Calming Itchy Skin
If you have itchy or sensitive skin, the feeling of cold water can override the need to scratch and allow you to enjoy your time in the shower much more. Being less distracted by something like sensitive skin would let you be more mindful in the bathroom and able to enjoy your showering experience in a secluded space. Shower trays and wall panels from our Giorgio Collection will help you create a sleek, secluded space to shower in.

Helping you wake up in the morning
Nothing gears you up for a big day like a blast of cold water. The shock that comes from the cold water can increase your heart rate and oxygen intake, as well as making you more alert. The Parina Round Rain Shower Head ensures a refreshing, indulgent delivery of water that will leave you feeling inspired and ready for the day. Cold showers can also increase circulation, which is one of the main reasons it comes so highly recommended by the experts.

Other benefits
Unlike hot water, cold water won’t dry your skin out, and some wellness experts would say that your hair could become healthier and stronger over time if you take regular cold showers. Cold water also helps reduce soreness in muscles after a tough workout, and a cold shower is much less intense than an ice bath! Some people even say that cold showers can help make the body more resistant to common illnesses like cold and flu.

A great way to make cold showers a habit is to ease into them. You could lower the temperature before the end of your usual shower, or, especially on a boiling hot day, just jump in with the cold water running. If you ease yourself in, eventually you’ll look forward to turning the hot water down. Of course, you’ll look forward to it even more in your luxurious, inviting space created using Tissino Showering Products.